The processing of the payroll within a Club can be a very time consuming and involved operation. With the diversity of awards, penalties and loadings, and the need to maintain holiday, sick and long service leave records, the preparation of pays for even a small number of employees can take up to 1-2 days to complete.
The Club Payroll system from Computer MAGIC solves this problem with a system designed specifically for the club industry that can process a typical club's payroll in less than 2 hours.
Some of the features of the Club Payroll system include:
Payroll and Employee Details
- storage of all relevant details concerning the employee including allowances, deductions, award, banking information, cost center details
- retains details of holiday, sick and long service leave, ARDO's, Superannuation and over award payments for all employees
- standard allowances (meal, laundry, etc); standard deductions (union fees, etc); 30 other user defined allowances and deductions; salary sacrifice
- BSB numbers of Bank Accounts for direct pay into banks
- unlimited number of awards and associated classifications
- 20 cost centers with unlimited departments for dissection of wages
Payroll Input and Processing
- entry directly from clock cards with all calculations then automatic
- pre-input of hours on a "day by day" basis to lessen the load of input on pay day
- all shift penalties and allowances automatically calculated
- hours can be off-loaded to other classifications and departments with higher duty pays handled by the system
- manual pay facility for negative pays, holiday pays and terminations
- all leave entitlements calculated and retained by the system including casual employee's long service leave
- extra RDO's, Superannuation calculation and retention of the number of Sundays/Public Holidays for determining extra holiday entitlement
- EFT output for direct payment to Bank Accounts
- pay record, pay packet/payslip, coinage analysis and group certificates automatic by-products of the system
Payroll Reporting
- comprehensive reporting on Net Pay; current Penalties, Allowances and Award rates; Deductions; Cost Centre details; Banking details; Coinage Analysis; Superannuation calculation audit trail
- Gross Pay by Week report listing weekly pay information YTD for each employee and also cumulatively YTD
- Payroll Journal, highlighting accounting period accruals, with user defined General Ledger numbers for later posting
- Departmental Summary reports for cost centers and departments
- Holiday, Sick, LSL Provision report with forward projections for preparing budgets
- Extra Employee Information report as defined by the user
- Superannuation and other Deduction reports e.g. Union Fees, Group Tax
- several other selective reports for complete control of the payroll function in the club
Single Touch Payroll